Our environmental responsibility commitments

Aker is committed to protecting, preserving, and restoring nature and biodiversity on land and in the ocean. Decades of experience in the oil and gas industry gives Aker a unique opportunity to lead the way in the transition to a low emission economy. Aker's aim is to, through its investments' activities, continue to deliver energy, while reducing environmental impacts, and to use its expertise to develop new technologies and solutions that can benefit society and the planet.

In conventional energy production, Aker’s position is through the Norwegian E&P company, Aker BP – a leader on producing oil at low emissions and low cost. Aker continues to build on the shoulders of existing capabilities, leveraging industrial expertise, and invest in and build technology and infrastructure for lower emissions energy production for a sustainable future for all.

Offshorewind edited

Climate change

Aker strives to address its climate impacts and related risks. As a responsible investor in the energy transition, Aker recognizes the potential to create value by investing in sustainable solutions that reduce GHG emissions. Aker is an active owner that engages with its portfolio companies on climate-related risks and opportunities. Furthermore, Aker has over the last years, taken deliberate steps to diversify its portfolio, resulting in a successful strategic shift that positions the company well to deliver value in the future and in an expanding global energy mix.

Read more about how Aker addresses climate risk in Aker’s TCFD report included in Aker Annual Report - available via the Sustainability Library.

Go to Aker's Sustainability Library

How we are part of the solution

We strive to limit our environmental impact and adapt to climate-related challenges, risks and opportunities. We leverage new opportunities that arise as a result of the work for a more sustainable future.

First movers coalition

First Movers Coalition Founding Member

The First Movers Coalition is a ground-breaking initiative by the World Economic Forum and US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry. Its purpose is to drive demand for low emissions solutions.

Aker is joining the First Movers Coalition as a founding member, along with some of the world’s biggest companies, because we have a shared commitment to hasten demand for sustainable and low-emissions materials and products.

Aker wants to accelerate the transition to zero emissions. As innovators of some of the required climate solutions, we know that early adopters of new technology are critical success factors. Aker will engage its portfolio companies to commit some of their purchasing power to clean, green tech.

Learn more about the First Movers Coalition here: First Movers Coalition is tackling the climate crisis | World Economic Forum (weforum.org)

Aker Horizons: Reducing emissions, creating value

Aker Horizons develops green energy and green industry to accelerate the transition to net zero. Its mission is to decarbonize industry on a global scale.

Aker Horizons do this through active ownership in companies with a clear planet-positive mandate, and by developing large-scale decarbonization projects. Aker Horizons core areas consist of renewable energy, carbon capture and hydrogen – three key levers to achieve net zero by 2050.

As part of the Aker group, Aker Horizons applies industrial, technological and capital markets expertise with a planet-positive purpose to drive decarbonization globally. Aker Horizons exercise active ownership, combining industrial, technological and capital markets expertise, to reduce CO2 emissions, while creating value over time.

Click here to read more about Aker Horizons

Industry Capital Partners – a net zero investment platform

Aker has established the investments platform, Industry Capital Partners (ICP), under the management of former head of Norges Bank Investment Management, Yngve Slyngstad. The investment platform is set up to finance the green shift by bringing industry and capital closer together, allowing for more effective and high-impact investments. 

ICP is strategically focusing its portfolio through two investment arms: ICP Asset Management and ICP Infrastructure. ICP Asset Management, led by Petter Johnsen, invests globally in listed companies that are positioned to benefit from the transition toward a low-carbon world. ICP Infrastructure, to be led by Christian Rynning-Tønnesen from August 2024, invests in large-scale energy transition infrastructure, from renewable energy production to industrial decarbonization.

Read more about Industry Capital Partners here

Sal Mar Smart Fish Farm

Offshore fish farming – for an environmentally friendly and sustainable fish farming industry

Aker has, together with SalMar, a leading Norwegian fish farming company, established SalMar Aker Ocean. SalMar Aker Ocean will farm fish in exposed areas for offshore. Such farming will reduce the environmental footprint and improve fish health.

Read more about SalMar Aker Ocean here

HUB Ocean – Empowering data-driven decision and collaboration for the ocean

HUB Ocean is an independent, non-profit foundation established in 2019 with the mission to change the fate of the ocean by unleashing the power of data, technology, and collaboration. Its goal is to become the world's ocean data collaboration hub.

HUB Ocean core project is the Ocean Data Platform. The Ocean Data Platform is an open collaborative tool that unlocks and aggregates ocean data to encourage scientific collaboration, industry transparency and regulatory power.

Learn more about HUB Ocean