Our industrial portfolio provides long-term value creation for shareholders and society

Industrial Holdings

The value of Aker’s industrial holdings totaled NOK 60.2 billion at the end of 2023. This corresponds to 84 percent of the total asset value of Aker ASA and holding companies.

Industrial investments represent Aker’s long-term investments and comprised shareholdings in seven companies. The four listed companies were Aker BP, Aker Solutions, Aker BioMarine and Aker Horizons (including the listed subsidiary Aker Carbon Capture). The three unlisted companies were SalMar Aker Ocean, Cognite and Aize.

In cooperation with the portfolio companies’ boards and managements, Aker plays an active role in the development of the industrial portfolio. The investments are followed up by Aker’s management, with support from a dedicated investment team. Aker is represented on the board of each company, and ownership is exercised primarily in the boardroom of each individual company. In addition, Aker has a competence center with industrial and strategic expertise.

As an active shareholder in companies with attractive value- and dividend potential, Akers ownership agenda is to contribute to a positive return for all shareholders. Aker focuses on good leadership, appropriate organization, profitable operations, growth, optimal capital structure and financial initiatives through mergers and acquisitions.

Financial investments

The value of Aker’s financial investments totaled NOK 11.9 billion, including NOK 0.8 billion in cash, at the end of 2023. This corresponds to 16 percent of total asset value of Aker ASA and holding companies.

Financial investments comprise Aker’s assets and investments that are not defined as industrial investments. This includes other listed investments, cash holdings, real estate, active asset management, interest-bearing receivables, and other investments.

Financial investments includes shareholdings in the listed companies Akastor, AMSC, Philly Shipyard, and Solstad Offshore,, as well as ownership in several unlisted companies. The portfolio includes active asset management through the investment companies Industry Capital Partners (IPC) and Norron Asset Management, real estate investments through Aker Property Group, and several early-phase investments (venture capital).

In total, Aker received NOK 1.1 billion in dividends from these portfolio companies in 2023.