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Last updated Invalid Date. All figures presented in NOK.
Net asset value is based on the current share price of the listed companies in Aker’s industrial and financial investments portfolio and the book value as per last quarter for other assets and liabilities. The percentage change is in comparison to NAV as per end of 2023.
4Q 2024 Results
Main contributors to gross asset value

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Aker ASA Øyvind 6054

A future-oriented oil and gas company

Aker BP is the second largest operating company on the NCS. The company is committed to lead the way when it comes to low-cost, low-carbon, profitable growth and attractive dividends, as well as bringing about fundamental improvements through digitalization. An increase in activity levels create ripple effects for the supplier industry, along with tens of thousands of jobs with highly competent companies across the country.


Aker Solutions js

Accelerate the transition to sustainable energy production

Aker Solutions supplies integrated solutions, products and engineering services to the global energy sector. The oil and gas sector is currently the main foundation for Aker Solutions’ business. Aker Solutions continuously work to accelerate the transition towards a sustainable energy production, powered by technology and digital solutions, strategic partnerships, knowledge and experience.

Read more about Aker Solutions

Easier access to complex industrial data

Cognite is a fast-growing industrial software-as-a-service (SaaS) company. The company’s core product, called Cognite Data Fusion®, collects, processes, and contextualizes vast quantities of data for industrial operations. Cognite focuses on further international expansion through recruitment of skilled employees worldwide and through continuing to work in partnership with companies that can contribute to further upscale and commercialize the company’s products.


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Renewable energy and green technologies

Aker Horizons is a holding company with a portfolio of companies in the renewable energy and green technologies space.

A net zero investment platform

The investment platform, Industry Capital Partners (ICP), is set up to finance the green shift by bringing industry and capital closer together, and providing a platform for investing globally in both infrastructure and in quality companies that are positioned to benefit from the transition toward a low-carbon world. The IPC portfolio is strategically focused through two investment arms: ICP Asset Management and ICP Infrastructure.