SalMar Aker Ocean (SAO) is engaged in semi-offshore and in the emerging offshore salmon farming industry. The company operates fish farming facilities in semi-offshore locations.
Aker’s ownership agenda
In 2021, SalMar and Aker established SAO as an exclusive, jointly owned company for all activities within semi-offshore and offshore technology development and operations, in Norway and globally. SAO focuses on reliable and intelligent aquaculture, which meets the highest standards of fish welfare. The SAO business case has changed priorities medium term, amongst other due to regulatory changes, shifting main focus from offshore to semi-offshore areas. The results from the first production rounds are promising with respect to a high survival rate, fewer biological challenges, and strong growth. The good biological performance gives confidence in the potential within semi-offshore and offshore fish-farming and focus will be to grow firstly within semi-offshore
Aker owns 15 percent of the company’s shares and 33.34 percent of the voting rights. The remaining ownership is held by SalMar. Øyvind Eriksen and Kjell Inge Røkke represent Aker on SalMar Aker Ocean’s Board of Directors.