Effective corporate governance underpins Aker's ability to create sustainable value for its stakeholders. Aker's corporate culture is based on Aker’s core values; result-oriented, opportunity-driven, knowledge and collaboration-driven. These values guide Aker’s approach to investments and ownership. Aker aspires to be a responsible and trustworthy partner, creating positive impacts for both its shareholders and other stakeholders.
Aker’s Board of Directors determines the overall principles for our governance, management and control functions, including for sustainability. Aker's Sustainability Report discloses material Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) matters for Aker, including how they are managed, performance, and progress towards sustainability targets. More information about Aker’s corporate governance, internal controls, including risk management can be found in the Board of Directors' Report, Corporate Governance Report which are included in Aker's Annual Report, in addition to the Sustainability Report. A download is available at the bottom of this web page and in the Sustainability Library. Aker’s Sustainability Policy governs the ESG aspect of our performance and investment decisions, and can also be found in our Sustainability Library.
Aker’s corporate culture is based on good business practices, openness, honesty and respect for other people.
Code of conduct
Aker’s corporate culture is based on good business practices, openness, honesty and respect for other people. These guidelines are summarized in Aker ASA's Code of conduct and available at the bottom of this page.
Aker’s Code of Conduct, Sustainability Policy, and other governing documents set out principles on important issues such as bribery, gifts, and other possible forms of corruption. All Aker employees are expected to be familiar with the Code of Conduct, the Anti-Corruption Policy and the Sustainability Policy, and complete a training program to familiarize themselves with and stay updated on the policies contained in the Code of Conduct.
Aker’s Code of Conduct also expresses Aker’s expectations for its portfolio companies’ governing documents.
Forventninger og samarbeid med forretning- og samarbeidspartnere
Akers Code of Conduct for Business Partners er basert på de samme etiske retningslinjene som også kreves av Aker og deres ansatte. Aker har klare forventninger til at samarbeidspartnere har standarder som samsvarer med Akers ambisjoner og retningslinjer, samt gjeldende lover og forskrifter. På lik linje som Aker skal også forretningspartnere arbeide for likestilling, mangfold og inkludering. Aker forventer også at porteføljeselskapene skal ha tilsvarende retningslinjer for sine forretningspartnere.
Gjennom Code of Conduct for Business Partners har Aker i tillegg en ambisjon om å styrke samarbeid der man kan bidra til god virksomhetsstyring, og en positiv utvikling for mennesker, miljø og samfunn.
Akers Code of Conduct for Business Partners kan lastes ned via Bærekraftsbiblioteket.
Remuneration report
The report on remuneration to Executives in Aker for the accounting year 2022 is subject to an advisory vote at the general meeting in accordance with section 5-6 fourth paragraph of the Public Limited Companies Act. The approved report is available for download at the bottom of this page.
Integrity channel
Aker has an independent third-party whistleblower channel, where suspected or alleged wrongdoing (censurable conditions) can be anonymously reported. This may include breaches of HSE rules, harassment, insider trading, money laundering, fraud, bribes and kickbacks, or other violations of ethical guidelines.